Sandra E. Davis, MD
Dr. Sandra Davis is a psychiatry specialist in Fort Worth, TX and has over 27 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine in 1996. Her office accepts new patients and telehealth appointments.
Dr. Sandra Davis has expertise in treating anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, among other conditions. Dr. Sandra Davis also specializes in working with geriatric patients. Dr. Sandra Davis is dedicated to providing compassionate care using a combination of effective medication and therapeutic services to help you live your life to the fullest degree. She is bilingual in English and Spanish. Just like a journey, you need an expert guide to help you get to your destination. Change is a process that happens over time. We work together to help you navigate the right steps towards positive change. Sometimes difficult paths can lead to unexpectedly beautiful destinations. Our philosophy is to treat the whole person. Medications are one of many tools that we use to make progress. Our sessions are tailored to your specific goals. We provide a safe a supportive space for healing and growth. |
Insurance Reimbursement
Many of my patients get reimbursed by their insurance providers even though we are out-of-network. We help you by providing the best quality care directly. We will assist you with getting reimbursed by your insurance provider by providing you a receipt called a "superbill" and information on how to file your claim.
Self-Pay Rates
First Session - Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation (45min to 60min) - $400
Follow Up Sessions (15-30mins) - $200
Dr. Davis is not accepting any insurance at this time. Thank you for your understanding.
Many of my patients get reimbursed by their insurance providers even though we are out-of-network. We help you by providing the best quality care directly. We will assist you with getting reimbursed by your insurance provider by providing you a receipt called a "superbill" and information on how to file your claim.
Self-Pay Rates
First Session - Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation (45min to 60min) - $400
Follow Up Sessions (15-30mins) - $200
Dr. Davis is not accepting any insurance at this time. Thank you for your understanding.